Celebrating Health Care Risk Management Week: Honoring the Heroes Behind Patient Safety

June 17, 2024Articles, Resources

During this year’s Health Care Risk Management Week, June 17-21, 2024, Inspirien extends a heartfelt thank you to all Healthcare Risk Management Professionals. Their unwavering dedication to enhancing Risk Management and Patient Safety is not just commendable, but it’s also life-saving. They are the heroes behind the scenes, ensuring safe care processes and identifying potential … Read More

2024 HWCF Grant Recipients

June 10, 2024Articles, News

The Healthcare Workers’ Compensation Fund, managed by Inspirien, is thrilled to announce the 2024 Grant Program recipients. Our grant program, a testament to our commitment to enhancing employee safety and reducing workers’ compensation exposures within member facilities, has made a significant impact. This year, our recipients will share $100,000 in grant funds, bringing the total … Read More

Highly Reliable Organizations

October 17, 2023Articles, Resources

What comes to mind when you think of Highly Reliable Organizations (HROs)? NASA? Airlines? Nuclear Plants? The fact is, an HRO is more than just a buzzword. HROs are industries that function safely despite being in a high-risk field or having highly complex processes. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) describes HROs as … Read More

The Risk of Doing Nothing

June 7, 2023Articles

The annual meetings with our customers and members of the companies managed by Inspirien (Inspirien Insurance Company and the Healthcare Workers’ Compensation Fund – HWCF) are always a special time. This year we brought both boards together to hear a presentation from Jessica DaMassa, A Health Innovation Reporter and Executive Producer of WTF Health (What … Read More

Violence in Healthcare: Zero Tolerance

April 28, 2023Articles, Resources

It is no secret that violence against healthcare workers has been a problem for quite some time; however, this troubling issue has grown exponentially since the start of the pandemic. Recent studies indicate that 44% of nurses reported experiencing physical violence and 68% reported experiencing verbal abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, a 2021 survey … Read More

The Case for Tort Reform in Alabama Medical Malpractice

April 17, 2023Articles, Resources

The issue: Nuclear verdicts in medical malpractice cases are occurring everywhere, and Alabama is no exception. It’s no secret that healthcare providers throughout the state are operating in the red due to low reimbursements and higher operating costs, along with other issues. Due to the nuclear verdicts, the medical malpractice premiums that healthcare providers are … Read More

Medical Malpractice Premiums Demystified

October 7, 2022Articles, Resources

In general, few people really like, understand, or want to spend money on insurance, but it could be the one thing keeping the doors open after an unforeseen event. There are many kinds of insurances that healthcare organizations should consider, but cost is often a key factor in prioritizing this protective cover. As a medical … Read More

More than just another conference…

September 27, 2022Articles

A few members of our team just spent the past few days at a Hospital Insurance Forum (HIF) C-Suite Conference in beautiful Key West, Florida. Attendees were executives representing many medical malpractice and workers’ compensation insurers across the country of which Inspirien’s CEO, Margaret Nekic, just wrapped up her term as chair. While there were … Read More

How Bout’ A Little Love for Our Nurses!

April 5, 2022Articles

What are the best ways to describe someone who makes a good nurse? It’s an interesting question and one that we seem to take for granted far too often. Words and phrases like caring, empathy, stamina, leadership, patience, patient advocate, attention to detail, critical thinking, problem solving, and yes, sense of humor, come to mind. … Read More